Let’s play some daily Wordle-like games!
===== STREAM RULES =====
1. Be kind and respectful in chat, both to me and to others. Please keep language in chat “family friendly.”
2. Do not make word suggestions for my Wordle videos. The appropriate place to make those suggestions is in the comment section of the latest video.
3. These are “collaborative” in that you can yell out suggestions all you want, but please be honest and avoid participating if you’ve already done the daily puzzle and know the answer.
4. Do not spam – meaning do not repeat the same message or similar messages over and over, especially in quick succession.
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===== GAMES =====
The games I play during stream are fixed and in this order. I’m not currently taking new game suggestions, but I’m sure you’ll enjoy the ones that I do play!
Blankle: Fill in the blank in a sentence.
Instant Wordle: Guess a word with only one guess. Only one word is possible.
Squardle: Guess 6 5-letter words at once in a crossword-like shape
Dordle: 2 Wordles
Quordle: 4 Wordles
Octordle: 8 Wordles
Sedecordle: 16 Wordles
Gauntletle: Solve 4 Wordles in a row then use all four answers to start a final 5th puzzle.
Adoptle: Wordle, but you guess the name of an animal who is up for adoption.
Gram Jam:
Phrazle: Guess an entire phrase.
Polygonle: Guess a longer word with repeated letters clued.
Revertle: Figure out a “hidden” word and then try to not place letters in those spots.
Word500: Wordle, but you only get the count of green/yellow.
Wordzy Master: Wordle, but you only get the count of green/yellow. Has additional game modes.
Xordle: Solve two Wordles at once on the same board.
Wordle Peaks: Find a word based on high/low clues for each letter.
Warmle: Find a word based on proximity clues for each letter.
Symble: Variant of Wordle where the clues are more difficult to figure out.
Fibble: Wordle, but one letter lies to you each guess.
Lordle of the Rings: Wordle, but the word must appear somewhere in the Lord of the Rings novels.
Trekle: Wordle, but Star Trek.
Wizarding Wordle: Wordle, but Harry Potter.
Cosmertle: Wordle, but Cosmere (Brandon Sanderson books).
Phoodle: Wordle, but food.
Quark!: Wordle, but physics.
Scholardle: Wordle, but academic.
Worldle: Guess a country or territory based on shape.
Where Taken: Guess a country or territory based on a photo taken there.
Worldle Daily: Get placed in the world and guess where you are within 6 guesses.
Geoguessr: Get placed in the world and guess where you are.
Script for country streak on A Diverse World:
#word #games #wordle #semantle #squaredle #quordle #sedecordle #revertle #geoguessr